At Wed, 06 Jul 2011 09:16:32 +0200, Tassilo Horn wrote: > : > Christopher Allan Webber <> writes: > > Hi Christopher, > > > Also, cfw:open-org-calendar works, but things seem really slow... it > > looks like you're recalculating the entire orgmode agenda for every > > day. I wonder if things could be sped up if the orgmode agenda was > > calculated for the entire period all at once and then broke that up > > into days? > > For me, creating a custom org agenda with the next 21 days takes not > much less than building an calfw calendar buffer with 42 days. It's > about one second for the former and 2 seconds for the latter, so it > seems calfw does the right thing.
Thank you for your confirming. I implemented calfw-org with consultation of the code of org-agenda-list. I think it is difficult to make the speed faster with a simple way, the re-design of the whole org-agenda-list algorithm seems to be needed, because the key function org-agenda-get-day-entries requires only one date and the subsequent dependent functions also are designed by the API. > One thing which I'm currently missing is that the calfw entries gathered > from org are missing the times (if that's specified using the 'time text > property) and are sorted in an order I can't understand. For example, > : Yes. The current implementation, calfw sorts the items by alphabet, i.e. string-less, in one date cell. This is intent to sort the items which has time header like "10:00 meeting" "13:00 go to airport" "16:00 meeting". It is not so difficult to add a customize of the sort criteria. And you can try your custom summary format, modifying cfw:org-summary-format. In the function, you can get the time value from the text property.