Hi Christian,

I took a look at these functions, while they do seem to work they don't
provide for any inheritance from higher-level subtrees.  I think this is
a deal-breaker for use resolving header arguments as inheritance is
generally more useful than multiple values.

Thanks for pointing these out, at some point I do think that it may be
worth taking a look at how Org-mode resolves properties generally.

Cheers -- Eric

Christian Moe <m...@christianmoe.com> writes:

> Hi again,
> I was referring to these functions:
> - org-entry-put-multivalued-property
> - org-entry-get-multivalued-property
> - org-entry-add-to-multivalued-property
> - org-entry-remove-from-multivalued-property
> - org-entry-member-in-multivalued-property
> described here:
> http://orgmode.org/manual/Using-the-property-API.html
> I've found a few discussions:
> - http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/33457
> - http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2010-02/msg00251.html
> I don't have anything working with them, as such,[1] and I was curious
> if anyone did. They don't currently seem to be integrated into
> completion, search functions, Babel, and so on, which would limit
> their usefulness (though searching can be done with regexps). And I
> think implementing wider support for them would run into a problem
> with distinguishing between properties that are meant to be
> multivalued, or and properties that just contain a single value which
> happens to contain spaces.
> But handling multiple var=value expressions in a :var: property for
> Babel, as Darlan asked about, might perhaps be doable...? Stuff might
> break, though.
> Yours,
> Christian
> [1] I do have a small research database with some "multivalued"
> properties in it. For queries, I use your org-collector and regular
> expression matching against properties with multiple values. The
> multivalued-properties functions didn't really come into it, except
> that knowing they were there made me go ahead and put multiple values
> in one property. (As it turned out, that wasn't a very good design
> choice.)
> On 6/21/11 11:03 PM, Eric Schulte wrote:
>> Hi Christian,
>> That's the first I've heard of that variable?  If you do get something
>> working with multivalued properties please do share.
>> Cheers -- Eric
>> Christian Moe<m...@christianmoe.com>  writes:
>>> Hi, Eric,
>>> Just curious: What about the org-entry--multivalued-property functions
>>> mentioned in "Using the properties API"?
>>> Is anybody using multivalued properties for anything?
>>> Yours,
>>> Christian
>>> On 6/21/11 10:17 PM, Eric Schulte wrote:
>>>> Unfortunately org-mode properties only allow a single entry for any
>>>> given key, so you can only specify one variable using properties.
>>>> However the following workaround does exist.
>>>> *** alternative
>>>>       :PROPERTIES:
>>>>       :var:      vars=variables
>>>>       :END:
>>>> #+tblname: variables
>>>> | var1 | 1 |
>>>> | var2 | 2 |
>>>> #+begin_src python
>>>>     print vars[0][1]
>>>>     print vars[1][1]
>>>> #+end_src
>>>> Best -- Eric
>>>> Darlan Cavalcante Moreira<darc...@gmail.com>   writes:
>>>>> I'm using org-babel to automate a few tasks and I'd like to define a few
>>>>> variables that are common to several code blocks as sub-tree properties.
>>>>> It works when I have only one variable, where I can use
>>>>> * Heading
>>>>>     :PROPERTY:
>>>>>     :var: variable1="value1"
>>>>>     :END:
>>>>>     #+begin_src python :results output
>>>>>       print variable1
>>>>>     #+end_src
>>>>>     #+results:
>>>>>     : value1
>>>>> Is it possible to set multiples variables in this way?
>>>>> I tried things like
>>>>> :PROPERTY:
>>>>> :var: variable1="value1" variable2="value2"
>>>>> :END:
>>>>> :PROPERTY:
>>>>> :var: variable1="value1",variable2="value2"
>>>>> :END:
>>>>> :PROPERTY:
>>>>> :variable1: "value1"
>>>>> :variable2: "value2"
>>>>> :END:
>>>>> but none of them worked.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Darlan Cavalcante

Eric Schulte

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