I don't want to hijack this thread. > Can you explain more about how we should proceed?
Let us invite the author of html5 in to the discussion or let some interested party provide a patch/diff of what changes the author had done or let the body of html5 presentation be made available so that someone could look at it. AFAICS, None of the above things had happended on this thread. Flame me if my observation is wrong. org-s5 came in to being just because some interested party provided a good starting point for Eric to build upon. I would like to see something likewise happen with html5 presentation. I have been in this list for quite sometime and there have been earlier attempts at slidy integrated which weren't as successful as the recent attempt. I wonder what that teaches us? I will not answer your questions because I clearly indicated that I am a man with my own agenda and I have no understanding of the problem being discussed. Jambunathan K.