Jude DaShiell <jdash...@shellworld.net> writes: > Is this possible? I think when I export a web page, I'd like to have a > line like: Exported by org-mode version x.y.z ondate ... in that way > org-mode can get well deserved credit.
Isn't it already? You are talking of creator info down below. ,---- | org-export-html-postamble is a variable defined in `org-html.el'. | Its value is auto | | Documentation: | Non-nil means insert a postamble in HTML export. | | When `t', insert a string as defined by the formatting string in | `org-export-html-postamble-format'. When set to a string, this | string overrides `org-export-html-postamble-format'. When set to | 'auto, discard `org-export-html-postamble-format' and honor | `org-export-author/email/creator-info' variables. When set to a | function, apply this function and insert the returned string. | The function takes the property list of export options as its | only argument. | | Setting :html-postamble in publishing projects will take | precedence over this variable. | | You can customize this variable. | | [back] `---- > > > > --