Hi Benjamin,

Benjamin Slade wrote:
> Thank you for the help.
> Yes, removing the configuration code from .emacs results in the
> correct behaviour (i.e. blocks are now exported properly).

Where did you find that way to do?  I guess in old threads... Is it still on
Worg, this should be removed.

> Quick question -- is there still a way of setting up beamer/orgmode
> configuration in .emacs?

Why are you asking that?  It's even better: you don't need any special
configuration anymore (like before) for beamer to work out of the box.

The only lines I still have in my .emacs about beamer are:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
        ;; XXX 2010-03-25 TEMP Fix for conflict TikZ/hyperref: loading
        ;; `atbegshi' before document class beamer
        (add-to-list 'org-export-latex-classes

Maybe even not needed anymore...

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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