Ian Barton <li...@manor-farm.org> writes: > On 24/05/11 11:21, Tassilo Horn wrote: >> Ian Barton<li...@manor-farm.org> writes: >> >> Hi Ian, >> >>> I am trying to set up Org Contacts and gnus. Org Contacts suggests >>> that pressing +<Tab> in the To: field in a message buffer should >>> offer a list of tags from my contacts file. However, I just get a Tab. >>>
[...] > > Thanks Tassilo. I am using Emacs 23.2.1. `C-h k TAB' shows: > > TAB (translated from <tab>) runs the command yas/expand, which is an [...] For those (like me) that stay with old Emacs 23, this will fix it: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (defun set-yas/fallback-behavior () (setq yas/fallback-behavior '(apply completion-at-point))) (add-hook 'message-mode-hook 'set-yas/fallback-behavior) #+end_src -- Rémi Vanicat