Thomas S. Dye <> wrote:

> Aloha all,
> I have a little function that graphs two 14C dates (below).  The data
> are held in tables produced by a software package that I access on the
> web.  I read these into Org-mode and give them a #+tblname:, as shown
> below.  I'd like to have one function that will graph any number of tables
> but I don't know how to package up the table references and get them
> inside the function.  If I put them in a table, they end up as strings
> inside the function.
> I suspect I'm being thick about this.  Can someone give me a pointer to
> how this might be done?
> All the best,
> Tom
> #+tblname: theta-one-no-rat
> | cal BP | Posterior probability |
> |--------+-----------------------|
> |  -1520 | 1.8353001633417145E-5 |
> ...
> **** Two dates
> #+srcname: two-dated-events
> #+header: :file ~/org/tsdye/two-dates.pdf
> #+header: :var xlab="theta_1"
> #+header: :var x=theta-one-no-rat 
> #+header: :var ylab="theta_4"
> #+header: :var y=theta-four-no-rat 
> #+header:  :width 6 :height 4 :results output graphics
> #+begin_src R 
>   library(ggplot2)  
>   res <- 
> data.frame(cal.BP=numeric(0),Posterior.probability=numeric(0),label=character(0))
>   res <- rbind(res,cbind(x,label=rep(xlab,dim(x)[1])))
>   res <- rbind(res,cbind(y,label=rep(ylab,dim(y)[1])))
>   theme_set(theme_bw(base_size=11))
>   g <-  ggplot(res, aes(x=1950 + cal.BP, y=Posterior.probability))
>   g + geom_bar(stat='identity') + xlab("Year AD") +
>   ylab("Probability") + facet_wrap(~ label)
> #+end_src

In a similar situation, I was able to do it as follows:

| #+srcname: org2cw
| #+begin_src python :results output :exports none
|   s = ""
|   for row in table:
| something with row and modify s...
|   print s
| #+end_src
| #+call: org2cw(table=support.obs) :file support.obs.cwiki
| #+call: org2cw(table=support) :file support.cwiki

Each #+call is given a different table as an argument:

| #+tblname: support.obs
| <table elided>
| #+tblname: support
| <table elided>

Note the role of ``table'' as the parameter name in the #+call:s
and its use as a variable in the source block.


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