[Please CC me!] Hi,
I have a text-mode-hook that turns on visual-line-mode, which means it's on in all org files. Generally I like visual-line-mode and would like it to be on in my org-mode buffers, but I'm seeing a bug involving the wrapping of headlines. Specifically, because tags are placed at the right side of the frame, and because collapsed headlines are followed by "...", the tags at the end of the headline are wrapped, even if the headline is short. So instead of: * Music :music:... I see * Music :music:... Do other people encounter this problem? The only information I could find about org and visual-line-mode was about "clean mode", which I'm not using. I'm using emacs 23.2.1 and Org-mode version 7.5 (release_7.5.204.g7327b) from git. Thanks! Ethan