Hello org-mode, I have noticed a small thing that bothers me about agenda view: every agenda command just resets the agenda buffer.
What I would really like to do is to start e.g. viewing my global todo list, moving the point to where I would like to work, stop viewing the todo list and getting to work, and then getting back to the global todo list. Eventually while I am working, I might want to use other org-agenda commands. To get back to the global todo list, I usually relaunch this command as it is so fast with org-agenda. But the point is lost and restored to the beginning of the buffer. - Is it possible to always reuse the same todo list buffer, so that my point is not lost? I mean using the agenda dispatcher, because I could of course use switch-buffer but I don't think it is meant to be used that way. - Or as a fallback, is it is possible to put the point in some special place in the todo list using custom agenda commands? - Or is my use wrong? Thanks Matthieu