> From: Eric S Fraga <e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk>

> [...]

>> FWIW, in Emacs I typed:
>>     C-h v org<TAB>
>> and got no fewer than 931 completions.  A lot of knobs to turn!
> yes, indeed!  the info manual is your friend here.  it is very difficult
> to figure out what you need to set from just the list of org- variables.

Heh.  Yes, thanks, Eric.  I'm not crazy enough to try to bootstrap my way
through 900+ variables, but that sets the scale of the challenge for me.

>>>>     (2) When I use the construct:
>>>>             [[URL] [description]]
>>>                    ^
>>>                    ^ 
>>>No space here       ^
>>>>         the line does NOT collapse to:
>>>>             "description"
>>>>         when I add the closing bracket, and if I export to HTML or PDF, I
>>>>         get the whole ugly line, brackets and all.
>> Yep, omitting the space fixed the problem.  I guess I've got a knee-jerk
>> instinct to try to "pretty print", and I didn't notice the the "][" brackets
>> were contiguous in the example.
> The best approach here is to use some of the specific functions (often
> with already defined key bindings) that are set up for just this type of
> case: =org-insert-link= in this case.  These will insert things with the
> right formatting automatically!

Very good suggestion!  I just used C-c C-l to add a link, and, of course, it
worked perfectly (as did the manual edit suggested by Nick D.).  I note that
by my count there are no fewer than 1612 "org*" functions ;-)

Thanks again.

-- Mike

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