Dear all, I have a problem with detangling org-babel fragments. May be this is because XML is not a supported feature/or I use it in a wrong way. Any help is welcome.
My org-file is below. I can tangle this file to obtain the XML file but when I try to jump to org I get the message "not in tangled code". *** TODO Question that needs validation :PROPERTIES: :ID: 2788f65d-5613-40c1-80ae-ae966f4bb398 :END: #+BEGIN_SRC XML :tangle ./sample04.xml :comment yes <define-fault-tree name="ACP-2"> <!-- Le problème de cette question --> <!----> <label>AC Power System Bus 2</label> <define-gate name="@ACP-2-1" code:calctype="Q"> <label>AC Power System Bus 2 fails</label> <and> <gate name="@ACP-2-2"/> <gate name="@ACP-2-3"/> </and> </define-gate> </define-fault-tree> #+END_SRC Best regards, Mohamed