Hi Renier,

The Org-mode table machinery is interpreting the values of your table
cells as emacs lisp (given that the table formula is an elisp, rather
than a calc formula).  Due to the "," the result is a weird nested list
which confuses your python code block.  Some options here include...

1. wrapping these cells in quotes so that they are passed to the python
   block as strings...

   #+source: parameter-variation(data=0)
   #+begin_src python :result values
     return 'text'

   | "(0.0331901438056,0.000535222885197)" |
   | "(0.0333434157791,0.000537930174356)" |
   | "(0.0345727512157,0.000559346040457)" |
   | "(0.0353146483908,0.000571501584524)" |
   | "(0.0355522909393,0.000574387067408)" |
   | "(0.0356575682336,0.000574851263615)" |
   | "(0.0357806926897,0.000575051685084)" |
   | text                                  |
   #+TBLFM: @8$1='(sbe parameter-variation (nums @1$1..@7$1))

2. referencing the table from an external code block, rather than inside
   of a table formula.  This is probably the easier solution, but it
   doesn't insert the result into your table, unless you do something
   tricky like give the code block and the table the same name so that
   the results of the code block replace the table...

   #+results: complex-data
   | (0.0331901438056,0.000535222885197) |
   | (0.0333434157791,0.000537930174356) |
   | (0.0345727512157,0.000559346040457) |
   | (0.0353146483908,0.000571501584524) |
   | (0.0355522909393,0.000574387067408) |
   | (0.0356575682336,0.000574851263615) |
   | (0.0357806926897,0.000575051685084) |
   #+TBLFM: @8$1='(sbe parameter-variation (nums @1$1..@7$1))

   #+begin_src python :var data=complex-data
     return data

Hope this helps -- Eric

Renier Marchand <reni...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi.
> I have been playing around with complex data that has been returned
> from Python. This is obviously not in calc.el format but if I change
> them to the correct format I can manipulate them using calc.
> but
> When I want to pass the complex numbers (python format) to python I
> get an error. If I pass real number everything works as expected
> For example:
>       #+source: parameter-variation(data=0)
>       #+begin_src python :result values
>         return 'text'
>       #+end_src
>       |   |  hmin |                                     |
>       |---+-------+-------------------------------------|
>       |   |       |                                     |
>       |   |  0.05 | (0.0331901438056,0.000535222885197) |
>       |   |   0.1 | (0.0333434157791,0.000537930174356) |
>       |   |   0.3 | (0.0345727512157,0.000559346040457) |
>       |   |   0.6 | (0.0353146483908,0.000571501584524) |
>       |   |   0.9 | (0.0355522909393,0.000574387067408) |
>       |   |   1.2 | (0.0356575682336,0.000574851263615) |
>       |   |  10.0 | (0.0357806926897,0.000575051685084) |
>       | $ | x=0.1 | y=0.1                               |
>       |   |  text |                                     |
>       #+TBLFM: @11$2='(sbe "parameter-variation" (data
> @3$2..@9$2))::@11$3='(sbe "parameter-variation" (data @3$3..@9$3))
> i.e. I get the word 'text' returned for column 2 where there are real
> numbers but I don't get anything returned where there are complex
> numbers. As you can see, there are no actual calculation performed on
> the data I am just returning 'text' so I am expecting it to work in
> both instances.
> The debug sessions show the following for the real column:
> Substitution history of formula
> Orig:   '(sbe "parameter-variation" (data @3$2..@9$2))
> $xyz->  '(sbe "parameter-variation" (data @3$2..@9$2))
> @r$c->  '(sbe "parameter-variation" (data #("0.05" 0 4 (fontified t
> face org-table)) #("0.1" 0 3 (fontified t face org-table)) #("0.3" 0 3
> (fontified t face org-table)) #("0.6" 0 3 (fontified t face
> org-table)) #("0.9" 0 3 (fontified t face org-table)) #("1.2" 0 3
> (fontified t face org-table)) #("10.0" 0 4 (fontified t face
> org-table))))
> $1->    '(sbe "parameter-variation" (data #("0.05" 0 4 (fontified t
> face org-table)) #("0.1" 0 3 (fontified t face org-table)) #("0.3" 0 3
> (fontified t face org-table)) #("0.6" 0 3 (fontified t face
> org-table)) #("0.9" 0 3 (fontified t face org-table)) #("1.2" 0 3
> (fontified t face org-table)) #("10.0" 0 4 (fontified t face
> org-table))))
> Result: text
> Format: NONE
> Final:  text
> and for the complex column:
> Substitution history of formula
> Orig:   '(sbe "parameter-variation" (data @3$3..@9$3))
> $xyz->  '(sbe "parameter-variation" (data @3$3..@9$3))
> @r$c->  '(sbe "parameter-variation" (data
> #("(0.0331901438056,0.000535222885197)" 0 35 (fontified t face
> org-table)) #("(0.0333434157791,0.000537930174356)" 0 35 (fontified t
> face org-table)) #("(0.0345727512157,0.000559346040457)" 0 35
> (fontified t face org-table)) #("(0.0353146483908,0.000571501584524)"
> 0 35 (fontified t face org-table))
> #("(0.0355522909393,0.000574387067408)" 0 35 (fontified t face
> org-table)) #("(0.0356575682336,0.000574851263615)" 0 35 (fontified t
> face org-table)) #("(0.0357806926897,0.000575051685084)" 0 35
> (fontified t face org-table))))
> $1->    '(sbe "parameter-variation" (data
> #("(0.0331901438056,0.000535222885197)" 0 35 (fontified t face
> org-table)) #("(0.0333434157791,0.000537930174356)" 0 35 (fontified t
> face org-table)) #("(0.0345727512157,0.000559346040457)" 0 35
> (fontified t face org-table)) #("(0.0353146483908,0.000571501584524)"
> 0 35 (fontified t face org-table))
> #("(0.0355522909393,0.000574387067408)" 0 35 (fontified t face
> org-table)) #("(0.0356575682336,0.000574851263615)" 0 35 (fontified t
> face org-table)) #("(0.0357806926897,0.000575051685084)" 0 35
> (fontified t face org-table))))
> Result:
> Format: NONE
> Final:
> Thank you very much for your help.
> Renier

Eric Schulte

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