Sébastien Vauban <wxhgmqzgwmuf-genee64ty+gs+fvcfc7...@public.gmane.org> writes: > > When discussing exporters and features, two things that come up to my > mind as missing as a "general Org feature": > > - bibliography :: works for LaTeX[1], not for HTML export.
Have you tried the contributed module org-exp-bibtex.el? It is not a self-contained org-mode module, in that it relies on bibtex2html and an external bibtex file, but it does enable bibliographical export to html. > - acronyms :: idem. > I want to be able to say, in my Org file, that DNS is an acronym, for > example. I'm thinking -- brainstorming! -- at a solution _such as_ > adding accolades around the acronyms: > This paper talks about {DNS} clients and {DNS} servers... > In LaTeX, this should have to be translated to: > This paper talks about \acro{DNS} clients and \acro{DNS} servers... One way to accommodate acronyms would be to create a new link type: (org-add-link-type "acro" nil (lambda (path desc format) (cond ((eq format 'latex) (format "\\acro{%s}{%s}" path desc)) ((eq format 'html) (format "<acronym title=\"%s\">%s</acronym>" desc path))))) A link such as... [[acro:DNS][Domain Name System]] ...would then export to latex as... \acro{DNS}{Domain Name System} ...and to html as... <acronym title="Domain Name System">DNS</acronym> Having never used acronyms in LaTeX or html before, I have no idea whether the above syntax is correct. The point is simply to offer a proof of concept. Best, Matt