Hi John,

They only solve half of the problem.

Unbreakable bidirectional links using ID markers would solve
the teleport problem.  Both ends can be moved anyplace,
including inside stretches of text.  They are a little like
a generalization of footnotes.  They use org IDs.  You can
specify various things for export and appearance in the org
buffer and so on.  ID markers are a proposal in the list
archives; they can be used for graph-theoretic applications.
Bidirectional links are simply a pair of ID markers that are
made to act as links also and that point to each other.

However, you still need to figure out how to put notes at
the top.  I wonder if inline tasks can work for this.  Maybe
you can put a tag on each to specify that it is a note, then
somehow export notes first, then everything except notes.
I'm note sure how to design that to fit into org nicely.
Maybe there is some way to do this:

  * Here is my whole document (by inclusion)
    (some kind of syntax here to say insert all :note: headlines)

    Here are the things the notes refer to.  You can
    teleport to them.

    (some kind of syntax here to say insert all other headlines)

Babel has something similar, but I don't know if it can do
it.  I have long wanted a way to include the body of a
headline upon export (maybe it is possible now, dunno) and
this is a generalization that lets you include all headlines
with a certain tag or all headlines without it.

We would want it to be useful for more purposes.  Perhaps
Extensible (i.e. universal) Syntax would allow flexibility here.
It would prevent having to invent new syntax, because the
same syntax is used for other features according to the car.

  * Here is my whole document (by inclusion)
    $[include :headlines-from-elisp (org-tags-view nil ":note:")]

    Here are the things the notes refer to.  You can
    teleport to them.

    $[include :not-headlines-from-elisp (org-tags-view nil ":note:")]


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