Maybe this is obvious to most, but I was puzzled by it. It seems that ,--- | #+options: toc:t `--- will not function when paired with: ,--- | #+options: toc:t num:nil `--- I didn't know that. I say that perhaps it's obvious, because I guess when the toc does show up, it's format is: ,--- | 1 Section 1 pg# | 2 Section 2 pg# | ... `--- But I wouldn't think it would be impossible to just have: ,--- | Section 1 pg# | Section 2 pg# | ... `--- Anyway, if these two are necessary, perhaps the manual could be updated (http://orgmode.org/manual/Export-options.html#Export-options): ,--- | toc: turn on/off table of contents, or set level limit (integer); requires num:t or no setting (t is default for num) `--- Or something to that effect. John