In the Makefile, what settings do you have under these headings?

# Name of your emacs binary
# Where local software is found
# Where local lisp files go.
# Where info files go.

I'm one of the oddballs who compile and install every new Org version, because in the start I thought that was the "right" way, and it's become a habit.

The Makefile needs to point to the right paths for your Aquamacs application and its site-lisp and info subdirectories. I don't use Aquamacs, but mutatis mutandis it's probably similar to that for GNU Emacs on the Mac, namely:

 # Name of your emacs binary

 # Where local software is found

 # Where local lisp files go.
 lispdir = $(prefix)/

 # Where info files go.
 infodir = $(prefix)/

I quickly found that git pulls would overwrite my hand-edited Makefile, and a hand-edited Makefile caused conflicts on the next pull, and I didn't understand git at all.

So I did a shell script that pulls org-mode, copies the Makefile, applies a patch with the above changes to the Makefile, compiles and installs, and then switches back the Makefile copy. Works for me.


On 4/1/11 5:20 PM, Dror Atariah wrote:
I tried to follow the update process described here: under:
How do I keep current with bleeding edge development?

The only change I made was the place where I checked out the new version. 
Instead of ~/elisp I have ~/Library/elisp.

Everything went smooth, except that I had to add "sudo" before the "make install". 
Without the sudo, I got an "access denied" error. Anyway, at the end, I got no warnings and it 
seems like the process was smooth. But when I checked the version of org-mode in aquamacs it was still 6.33x

I am using Emacs 23.3.1 (i386-apple-darwin9.8.0, NS apple-appkit-949.54)
  of 2011-03-19 on - Aquamacs Distribution 2.2 on a mac 
OS 10.6.7.

What should I do in order to fix it?

Thanks in advance,

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