I agree that this is important. For new features, Extensible Syntax (capitalized because it is a specific proposal for a concrete universal syntax) allows you to use the same quoting, escaping, nesting, exporting, etc. solutions that were arrived at as a one-time fundamental mechanism.
This reduces the risk of adding quoting, escaping, nesting, exporting, etc. issues when you add new features to (asymptotically at least -- it needs writing) zero. I only mention it again to point out that Extensible Syntax was motivated by reducing parsing risk, including the issues discussed in this thread. Samuel -- The Kafka Pandemic: http://thekafkapandemic.blogspot.com/2010/12/welcome-to-kafka-pandemic-two-forces_9182.html I support the Whittemore-Peterson Institute (WPI) === I want to see the original (pre-hold) Lo et al. 2010 NIH/FDA/Harvard MRV paper.