Out of my depth too.  That's why I'd be happy to live with it as is. :)

On 27 March 2011 13:18, William Gardella <gardell...@gmail.com> wrote:
> "Filippo A. Salustri" <salus...@ryerson.ca> writes:
>> It seems to me we're getting into some real design territory here, in
>> that it comes down to a question of a "proper" outline.
>> I agree that a proper outline is such that Marcel's format is "improper."
>> I agree that org follows the proper outline, was designed to suit it,
>> and therefore it isn't surprising that it's not trivially easy to
>> support Marcel's format too.
>> I would humbly suggest that the real question is a design / use case
>> question.  Is it reasonable to expect authors to stick to proper
>> outline format throughout their drafting process?  If it is, then org
>> is fine as is.  If it isn't, then there's a problem.
>> /How/ it's implemented, or worked around, as the case may be, is,
>> imho, irrelevant in the long term (tho certainly useful in the short).
>> Cheers.
>> Fil
> I think org-mode should aim to be flexible enough to accomodate all
> writers, writing tasks, and writing styles.  Maybe for this particular
> issue it would be enough to give org-mode an explicit way to "close" a
> heading--an Org-wide equivalent to \end{section} in LaTeX, say.  Of
> course it would have to be as pithy and unobtrusive as the rest of
> org-mode syntax...I'm sure it's possible (because with Elisp practically
> everything is possible), but out of my depth. :)
> --
> William Gardella
> J.D. Candidate
> Class of 2011, University of Pittsburgh School of Law

Filippo A. Salustri, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Ryerson University
350 Victoria St, Toronto, ON
M5B 2K3, Canada
Tel: 416/979-5000 ext 7749
Fax: 416/979-5265
Email: salus...@ryerson.ca

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