I'm trying to figure out how to minimize the overhead with using babel to write some segments of code. I find myself writing short segments of a set of functionality, then writing a collector source block which is referred to later on in the code... e.g.
********************* #+srcname: test1 #+begin_src clojure :tangle test1.clj :exports none :noweb yes blah <<test2>> blah #+end_src #+srcname: test2 #+begin_src clojure foo #+end_src #+srcname: test2 #+begin_src clojure bar #+end_src ********************* I'd like to see blah foo bar blah but I see blah foo blah What I'd like to see is a single srcname for the code that just concatenates the two different sections when it is referred by <<descriptive-name>>. That way I don't have to come up with different names and collectors and so on and so forth. Maybe I'm just not doing "literate programming" right, but when I'm hacking stuff together, I'd like to minimize the housekeeping. e.g. Is there a way to do this?