Nick Dokos <nicholas.dokos <at>> writes: > org uses timestamps to figure out which files need publishing > (see section 13.4 of the Org manual) and they may have gotten > curdled somehow. You can force publication by giving a second > argument to org-publish (if you called it interactively, you > could do that by giving it a prefix arg): > > (org-publish "aidalgolland" t) > > Or you can try getting rid of the timestamps (they are stored > in the directory named in the variable org-publish-timestamp-directory > (by default "~/.org-timestamps/") and publish again. > > If you can figure out *why* they got out of sync, that would be > a bonus and worth a post here, particularly if you can identify > a bug in the code.
How can I get the timestamps in a more human-readable format? I keep having this problem (and no symlinks involved) and keep having to wipe the timestamps directory (a royal nuisance). --Aidan