
I use org-mode for my website, and I've noticed that when I go to
publish the website, none of the files I have just edited are updated
in the publishing directory.  I have no idea why.  Here is the elisp I
evaluate to publish my website.

    :base-directory "~/doc-aidan/aidalgolland/main/"
    :publishing-directory "/ssh:ai...@nathan7.eu:public_html/aidalgolland/"
    :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-html
    :recursive t
    :base-extension "org"
    :section-numbers nil
    :table-of-contents nil
    :creator-info nil
    :language "en"
    :author "Aidan Gauland"
    :style "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" 
href=\"/~aidan/aidalgolland/global.css\" />"
    :auto-preamble t
    :auto-postamble t)

    :base-directory "~/doc-aidan/aidalgolland/main/"
    :publishing-directory "/ssh:ai...@nathan7.eu:public_html/aidalgolland/"
    :publishing-function org-publish-attachment
    :recursive t
    :base-extension "css\\|gz\\|bz2\\|lzma\\|jpg\\|gif\\|png\\|atom")

   ("aidalgolland" :components ("aidalgolland-orgfiles" 

(org-babel-lob-ingest "~/doc-aidan/aidalgolland/babel-lib.org")
(org-publish "aidalgolland")

(makunbound 'org-publish-project-alist)

Can anyone help me with this?

Aidan Gauland

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