Hi Eric,

On Wed, 16 Mar 2011 07:22:19 -0600
"Eric Schulte" <schulte.e...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> First, you may well already be aware of this, but a block like the
> following
> #+begin_src latex
>   \begin{equation}
>     \label{eq:eta}
>     \eta = -\ln\Bigg[\tan\Bigg(\frac{\theta}{2}\Bigg)\Bigg]
>   \end{equation}
> #+end_src
> could just as easily be written as
> \begin{equation}
>   \label{eq:eta}
>   \eta = -\ln\Bigg[\tan\Bigg(\frac{\theta}{2}\Bigg)\Bigg]
> \end{equation}
> Org-mode will recognize the inline latex, and will export it to both
> html and tex as desired.

Yes I realise that. Its just nicer with all the fontification in an org
buffer. I can also use org-edit-special and take advantage of the auctex
macros when writing the equations.

> Second, I've run into similar headline issues when trying to place a
> bibliography under it's own headline at the end of an Org-mode file.
> I believe that the answer here is to simply remove the headline from
> your appendix file.  I don't believe that there exists any syntax by
> which to tell Org-mode to not export a headline.

I am not following here. I don't want to suppress export of any of the
headlines. I have several appendices under their own headlines in the
included file. The only issue is org tries to insert the appendix
headlines at the end of the master latex file while exporting.

Removing the source block from the appendix definitely solves
everything, so its barely an issue. But it would nice to be able to use
babel blocks for the fontification and the org-edit-special
capability. :)

> Best -- Eric

Thanks a lot.


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