This is a sort of bug report but possibly more a curiosity...

I imagine this has something to do with time 0 in Unix but I cannot seem
to be able to enter any date earlier than 1 Jan 1970 using C-c! (say).
However, once I have entered a date (later than that), I can use
S-<down> on the year to get to the date I want.  This seems rather

To be precise, I get the wrong date recorded if I try:

  C-c ! 1968-12-10 RET

(where C-c ! is =org-time-stamp-inactive=).
The result is =[2011-12-10 Sat]=

The bug is not so much that I cannot input dates I want but that the
inactive timestamp generated is *incorrect* and yet there is no error


: Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs
: using Org-mode version 7.5 (release_7.5.25.gaaf0b.dirty)

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