Hi Jeff,

Jeff Horn <jrhorn...@gmail.com> writes:

> Would it be trivial to add a post-export hook? If so, it would be
> helpful for me.
> I've been experimenting with latexmk for document compilation. If I
> add `latexmk -CA` (it cleans extraneous files) to the command sequence
> for `org-latex-to-pdf-process`, I trigger an annoying notification
> that the PDF file wasn't produced, and the *Org Export PDF Output* (or
> whatever) buffer is overwritten with this new command's output (not
> very interesting).
> Perhaps it would be best to have a general `org-post-export-hook` and
> specific `org-post-latex-export-hook` and `org-post-html-export-hook`.
> It wouldn't make sense to run `latexmk -CA` when producing a webpage,
> afterall.

See org-export-latex-final-hook, org-export-latex-after-save-hook and

C-h v org-export-hook TAB TAB to see all of them.


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