Al 31/01/11 21:45, En/na Michael Welle ha escrit:
> it depends on so many factors, disk speed vs. cpu speed for
> instance. Maybe you could experiment with your data set and post some
> numbers ;).

At the end, I did my experiment, but not in a scientific manner. I did
no measurements. Nevertheless, qualitatively, I can now say that I
reduced the number of org files from ~200 to 8 and the agenda builds
much faster, specially on my netbook which was very slow and now it is
just slow. On my Desktop computer, building the agenda was fast and now
it is very fast. But, what is better, now MobileOrg works fine on my
iPhone, before it was useless. Sorry for not being able to provide
quantitative details.

At the end, I did the merging of the files manually. Inspecting the
files, one by one, was very useful, as it allowed me to delete some
useless information and better organise the rest.

Now I have to learn to better navigate within my much longer org files.
Before, I used ido-mode to jump from buffer to buffer, now I guess I
have to practise more sparse trees to jump from headline to headline.

Dr. Pere Quintana Seguí
Observatori de l'Ebre (Universitat Ramon Llull - CSIC)
Horta Alta, 38. 43520 Roquetes (Tarragona), Spain.
T. (+34) 977 500 511 - F. (+34) 977 504 660 -

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