
In my current system, I have about 200 .org files. With this number of
files, building the agenda is very slow in my home computer and, also,
makes the performance of MobileOrg quite poor.

So, I would like to join files, to increase the system's performance.

Is there any script to cleanly join files, by transforming the title of
the file in a first level heading (*) and adding an star to all other
headings of the file?

I think this is the cleaner way to join files.

Thank You,


Dr. Pere Quintana Seguí
Observatori de l'Ebre (Universitat Ramon Llull - CSIC)
Horta Alta, 38. 43520 Roquetes (Tarragona), Spain.
T. (+34) 977 500 511 - F. (+34) 977 504 660
http://www.obsebre.es - http://pere.quintanasegui.com

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