
>>>>> On Fri, 04 Feb 2011 09:19:51 +0000, Eric S Fraga ("ESF") wrote:

  >> Imagine being able to pop open a terminal and type '$ org-todo "call so and
  >> so on friday" ~/org/task.org' and be done :)

  ESF> I can already do:

  ESF> : emacsclient -e '(org-capture nil "t")'

  ESF> to invoke my todo capture template.  I have not yet figured out if one
  ESF> could automatically specify the text to go with any particular capture
  ESF> template, however.  A quick look at the code didn't help me.

What about using org-protocol? If you have a capture template like:

       ("x" "store todo item from command line" entry
       (file+headline "todo.org" "Tasks")
       "* TODO %i\n\t%u")

You can use something like:       

   $ emacsclient "org-protocol:/capture:/x/a/b/buy milk"

(it seems org-protocol gets confused when you leave out the the a/b dummy

Best wishes,

Dirk-Jan C. Binnema                  Helsinki, Finland
e:d...@djcbsoftware.nl           w:www.djcbsoftware.nl
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