I have been an avid user of org-mode for over 2 years now. It has grown increasingly painful to exit emacs to use anything else! Recently I found that making the jump to web-search-space was bothering me...
So over the holiday I wrote a command line web search client with an emacs interface and called it "gnugol". It uses the google json and bing json APIs to search the web, and outputs the results in plain text, in whatever format you're working in, notably, org, so you can navigate the results in the mind-set you're in. Gnugol is small, fast, simple, and growing more useful by the day. (I wrote the doc (http://gnugol.taht.net) for it in org-mode, too) It's not fully baked yet, but it's usable/reliable enough to have plausible promise for other org-mode users, so I'm announcing it today, here, in the hope I'll get comments, criticism, and patches.(especially, patches! I'm not much of an elisp hacker, and a full on in-org interface is thus far beyond me) Installation instructions: gnugol compiles on various linuxen (tested on debian/ubuntu x86, arm, x86_64) and OSX If you are using debian, you should be able to obtain almost all the dependencies by doing a: sudo apt-get install curl-dev Regrettably, the json library jansson does not have a debian package yet (at least on my distro), so you need to download and build it separately. The git version has API changes that I haven't grokked yet, so get version 1.3 from: http://www.digip.org/jansson/ And go through the standard ./configure && make && make install # process And for gnugol itself: git clone git://github.com/dtaht/Gnugol.git cd Gnugol make; sudo make install Copy the src/lisp/gnugol.el into your ~/.emacs.d directory and put a (require 'gnugol) into your .emacs... At the command line: $ gnugol keywords to search for In Emacs, esc-x gnugol<ret> phrase to look for Example output: # note, wrapped by my mail client, not gnugol d...@cruithne:~/src/gnugol$ gnugol org-mode search engine ** [[http://orgmode.org/worg/blorgit.php][Blorgit: Org-Mode based, git amenable, blogging engine]] Blorgit is a blogging engine which uses Org-Mode for markup, runs on the Search The search bar compares your search terms as a perl-style regular ** [[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/advanced-searching.php][Advanced searching - Org-Mode]] For querying a collection of org files, Org-mode includes a powerful built ** [[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-mac-maillink.php][Org Link -- create Org-mode hyperlinks to Entourage mail messages]] The default is "copy-org-link". Then enter the exact key combination that ** [[http://metajack.im/2009/01/01/journaling-with-emacs-orgmode/][Journaling with Emacs OrgMode]] Jan 1, 2009 (interactive) (switch-to-buffer (find-file org-journal-file)) (widen) (let (( today a real-time search engine for the Web, and Chesspark, ** [[http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/OrgMode][EmacsWiki: Org Mode]] Aug 9, 2010 Lisp:org-mairix.el integrates Org mode with mairix email search. outline-magic. el Google's Code Hosting feature has a new wiki engine. ... Submitted in the hope that this might be useful and interesting... enjoy -- Dave Taht http://nex-6.taht.net _______________________________________________ Emacs-orgmode mailing list Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list. Emacs-orgmode@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode