Hi Charles,

Charles Sebold wrote:
> I use org-mode and babel under Windows with osql, and the line separating
> the header from the rest of the rows in the output was bothering me.

Excellent initiative!

> I don't know that this is a really good fix, but maybe it's a start for one?
> It looks for the first output line of all dashes and replaces it later with
> the 'hline when the table is lisp-ified.

It does not work correctly for me (with the osql engine). Look at the
situation before/after your patch:

1. Before

   #+srcname: top-10-dossiers-with-many-presta
   #+begin_src sql

   SELECT TOP 10 prsAbcID, COUNT(*) AS '# Presta'
   FROM presta
   GROUP BY prsAbcID

   #+results: top-10-dossiers-with-many-presta
   |         prsAbcID |      # Presta |
   | ---------------- | ------------- |
   |   73020050900111 |            22 |
   |   52020030200047 |            21 |
   |   61020060400007 |            21 |
   |   62020031200052 |            20 |
   |   72020051100016 |            20 |
   |   73020050800025 |            20 |
   |   56020031100002 |            19 |
   |   63020060900056 |            19 |
   |   61020030900049 |            18 |
   |   72020030700040 |            18 |
   |                  |               |

   Another annoying thing is the empty line at the end. With the COUNT ON,
   there is one empty line followed by the count.

2. After

   #+results: top-10-dossiers-with-many-presta
   |         prsAbcID |      # Presta |
   | ---------------- | ------------- |
   |   73020050900111 |            22 |
   |   52020030200047 |            21 |
   |   61020060400007 |            21 |
   |   62020031200052 |            20 |
   |   72020051100016 |            20 |
   |   73020050800025 |            20 |
   |   56020031100002 |            19 |
   |   63020060900056 |            19 |
   |   61020030900049 |            18 |
   |   72020030700040 |            18 |

   The hline is not applied on the second line, but at the end of the table.
   Perhaps the good condition is to work on the second line?

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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