Richard Riley <> writes:

> Rafael Villarroel <> writes:
>> Hello all,
>> I have defined the following:
>>   (setq gnus-home-directory "~/Dropbox/gnus")
>>   (setq gnus-directory "~/Dropbox/gnus/News")
>>   (setq message-directory "~/Dropbox/gnus/Mail")
>> and so my init Gnus file is at ~/Dropbox/gnus/.gnus. When loading
>> org-mode just pulled from git, after M-x gnus I get the message that the
>> nntp server cannot be loaded, then after C-h v org-init-file, I get
>> that
> You mean gnus-init-file? Try customising it appropriately. Gnus kind of does
> its own thing ....

Thanks for your answer, Richard. Yes, I meant gnus-init-file :). I also
tried (setq gnus-init-fine "~/Dropbox/gnus/.gnus"). But then Gnus starts
downloading the list of newsgroups in the server, presumably because it
cannot find the other files where the suscribed groups are indicated.

I guess I could set some other variables and make it work somehow, but I
would always live in fear that there is still some other variable that
has to be tweaked and my setup would end up in a mess.. Besides, as I
mentioned, org 7.3 works just fine, but I would like to try the latest
and greatest features mentioned in this list.

>> this variable points to ~/.gnus, which does not exist in my setup. This
>> is Gnus 5.13. However, I do not have any problems with org 7.3.

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