Hi Andreas,

In my experience, lists are a bit fragile this way (probably necessarily). One workaround might be to float the source code block (in the way I mentioned in a previous message) and then cross reference it from the list.

* Test
  1) this is the first item (Listing \ref{fig:first-code})
  2) this is the second item (Listing \ref{fig:second-code})

But this might not be what you're after.

All the best,

On Dec 8, 2010, at 11:38 PM, Andreas Leha wrote:

Hi all,

(how) can I have source code block in lists not breaking the latex
exported list?

* Test
 1) this is the first item
    #+srcname: code
    #+begin_src R :tangle no :export code
      print("some code")
    which has some code

 2) this is the second item

This results in

 \item this is the first item

 print("some code")
      which has some code

 \item this is the second item

While I expect this:

 \item this is the first item
   print("some code")
    which has some code

 \item this is the second item


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