Hi Seb,

I find this email difficult to parse.  Could you take some extra time in
composition of these emails to distill the problem/question into a small
clear statement of a couple of sentences with a single <10 line example.

There is simply too much content below and without investing a great
deal of time I don't know which parts are germane to your question.

Thanks -- Eric

Sébastien Vauban <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> writes:

> #+TITLE:     Make use of NoWeb with string replacement
> #+DATE:      2010-12-03
> #+LANGUAGE:  en_US
> * Abstract
> Difficult to sum up. Though, questions turn around the reuse of code for
> tangle purpose (read: Noweb "calls") whose text must be replaced inside.
> Two real problems are also identified -- see
> [[*Important%20remarks][Important remarks]].
> * Somewhere in my local LOB
> (I'm beginning to "play" with one such file. Though, I've never succeeded
> copying a new snippet to it, using =C-c C-v i=, even when it's written it's
> successfully added)
> ** Add a column into a table
> #+srcname: add-column-in-table(table, column, type, nullability)
> #+begin_src sql
> -- add column `$column' (if column does not exist yet)
>                WHERE TABLE_NAME = '$table'
>                AND COLUMN_NAME = '$column')
>     ALTER TABLE $table
>     ADD $column $type $nullability
> #+end_src
> ** Convert date to French format
> #+srcname: convert-date-to-French-format
> #+begin_src sql :var column :engine msosql
> CONVERT(varchar(10), $column, 103) AS $column
> #+end_src
> <<THERE>>
> =103= is the code for the "French" format =dd/mm/yyyy=.
> * Somewhere in my work file
> ** Add the following columns
> Create 3 new columns:
> #+results: sql-param
> | table       | column  | type    | nullability |
> |-------------+---------+---------+-------------|
> | prestations | prsNbr1 | tinyint | NULL        |
> | prestations | prsNbr2 | tinyint | NULL        |
> | prestations | prsNbr3 | tinyint | NULL        |
> *** Code snippet (to be tangled later on)
> I want to apply the values onto the following chunk of code:
> #+srcname: add-column-in-table(table, column, type, nullability)
> #+begin_src sql :results output
> -- add column `$column' (if column does not exist yet)
>                WHERE TABLE_NAME = '$table'
>                AND COLUMN_NAME = '$column')
>     ALTER TABLE $table
>     ADD $column $type $nullability
> #+end_src
> *** Expanded code block
> Write out the result of the expansions:
> #+call: add-column-in-table(table=sql-param[2,0],
> column=sql-param[2,1], type=sql-param[2,2],
> nullability=sql-param[2,3])
> #+call: add-column-in-table(table=sql-param[3,0],
> column=sql-param[3,1], type=sql-param[3,2],
> nullability=sql-param[3,3])
> #+call: add-column-in-table(table=sql-param[4,0],
> column=sql-param[4,1], type=sql-param[4,2],
> nullability=sql-param[4,3])
> Pressing =C-c C-v C-e= on the above =#+call= lines shows me the following
> stack trace:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
>   intern(nil)
>   (let ((--cl-var-- ...)) (cond (... ...) (... ...) (... ...) (t ...)))
>   (case (intern engine) ((quote msosql) (format "osql %s -s \"        \" -i 
> %s -o %s" ... ... ...)) ((quote mysql) (format "mysql %s -e \"source %s\" > 
> %s" ... ... ...)) ((quote postgresql) (format "psql -A -P footer=off -F \"    
> \"  -f %s -o %s %s" ... ... ...)) (t (error "no support for the %s sql 
> engine" engine)))
>   (let* ((result-params ...) (cmdline ...) (engine ...) (in-file ...) 
> (out-file ...) (command ...)) (with-temp-file in-file (insert ...)) (message 
> command) (shell-command command) (search-forward "#+end_src") (forward-char 
> 1) (insert "\n#+results:\n#+begin_example\n") (insert "#+end_example\n") 
> (beginning-of-line) (previous-line) (insert-file-contents out-file))
>   org-babel-execute:sql("-- add column `$column' (if column does not exist 
> yet)\nIF NOT EXISTS (SELECT *\n               FROM 
> INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS\n               WHERE TABLE_NAME = '$table'\n      
>          AND COLUMN_NAME = '$column')\nBEGIN\n    ALTER TABLE $table\n    ADD 
> $column $type $nullability\nEND\n" ((:var type . "tinyint") (:var table . 
> "prestations") (:var column . "prsNbr1") (:var nullability . "NULL") 
> (:colname-names) (:rowname-names) (:result-params "silent" "replace") 
> (:result-type . value) (:comments . "") (:shebang . "") (:cache . "no") 
> (:noweb . "no") (:tangle . "no") (:exports . "code") (:results . "silent") 
> (:hlines . "no") (:session . "none") (:result-type . value) (:result-params 
> "replace") (:rowname-names) (:colname-names)))
>   funcall(org-babel-execute:sql "-- add column `$column' (if column does not 
> exist yet)\nIF NOT EXISTS (SELECT *\n               FROM 
> INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS\n               WHERE TABLE_NAME = '$table'\n      
>          AND COLUMN_NAME = '$column')\nBEGIN\n    ALTER TABLE $table\n    ADD 
> $column $type $nullability\nEND\n" ((:var type . "tinyint") (:var table . 
> "prestations") (:var column . "prsNbr1") (:var nullability . "NULL") 
> (:colname-names) (:rowname-names) (:result-params "silent" "replace") 
> (:result-type . value) (:comments . "") (:shebang . "") (:cache . "no") 
> (:noweb . "no") (:tangle . "no") (:exports . "code") (:results . "silent") 
> (:hlines . "no") (:session . "none") (:result-type . value) (:result-params 
> "replace") (:rowname-names) (:colname-names)))
> #+end_src
> ** Use date conversion code
> I would like to export, as results, the following snippet where the Noweb
> references are replaced by their correct SQL equivalent.
> I've tried using =code= or =output= as results, but that does not get me where
> I want to go.
> #+srcname: extract-data
> #+begin_src sql :engine mysql :noweb yes :results code
> SELECT TOP 5 tableID,
>        etpNumber,
>        <<convert-date-to-French-format(column="frmDate")>>,
>        <<convert-date-to-French-format(column="signDate")>>
> FROM table
> #+end_src
> Good result would be:
> #+begin_src sql
> SELECT TOP 5 tableID,
>        etpNumber,
>        CONVERT(varchar(10), frmDate, 103) AS frmDate,
>        CONVERT(varchar(10), signDate, 103) AS signDate
> FROM table
> #+end_src
> But, maybe, I'm expecting something that's not possible (yet)?  Or I'm simply
> mixing concepts in my mind (tangling, evaluating)?
> * Important remarks
> Note here:
> - When *evaluating* the above block, it calls the command-line engine, and
>   puts error results back somewhere above in this file: it goes to [[THERE]] 
> (in
>   section [[*Convert%20date%20to%20French%20format][Convert date to
> French format]])!
> - When executing, I've seen a *missing newline* just before =#+end_example=:
>   it wasn't beginning on its own line.
> * Questions
> - When we're using snippets from different files, which BABEL file
>   instructions are considered:
>   + the one the snippet belongs to, or
>   + the one where the snipped is used?
> - Would it be possible to add the speed commands (like =e=, =v=, etc.) onto
>   the =#+call= lines?
> - Can I get somehow what I expect?  Is that possible as of today?
> - Is the above the right way to do things?
> Best regards,
>   Seb

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