I solved it in a different way, but none the less very hacky :)



On Sat, Dec 4, 2010 at 15:23, Edward Lilley <ejlil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've just had quite a bit of trouble setting up org capture protocol
> handling with the Chromium web browser.
> Using the Javascript function encodeURIComponent() replaces slashes with
> a %2F, as expected; the problem is then that xdg-open fails to open URIs
> containing %2F. Eventually I realised that xdg-open *can* accept a %2F,
> but *only* if it comes after a "?" in the URI.
> So, as an ugly hack, I set the identifying character for the org-capture
> template that handles my bookmarks to be a "?"; this way, any occurrence
> of %2F will come after a "?", so xdg-open won't complain!
> So the bookmarklet (attached to the F4 key in chromium, using the
> "yakshave" extension" looks like this:
> yak.bindings.add({
>    '<f4>': {
>        onkeydown: function(event) {
>        eval('location.href="org-protocol:/capture:/?/" +
>        encodeURIComponent(location.href) + "/" +
>        encodeURIComponent(document.title) + "/" +
>        encodeURIComponent(window.getSelection());');
>        }
>    }
> });
> Of course this is basically a horrible hack; but it might help some of
> you out very slightly!
> --
> Edward Lilley <ejlil...@gmail.com>
> http://www.ugnus.uk.eu.org/~edward/
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* Mattias Jämting  * www.jwd.se | matt...@jwd.se | 070-6760182
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