Can you give us a better idea of the use case? As I understand,
unprioritzed todos count as "B" by default. Since most of my tasks
have a priority of B, I've never found setting priorities to be
helpful until I sit down to review my work for the day.

I prioritize items that are important (or urgent) with A at the
beginning of the day (no more than a couple, usually). Most items are
"B" and rarely more than half of those get done.

If I want to "sink" an item but keep it scheduled, it gets a priority of "C".

These are often things I do not know when recording an item.

Interested to hear your thoughts,

On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 3:00 PM, David A. Thompson <> wrote:
> An expansion for setting priority doesn't seem to be an option when using
> capture functionality with template expansion (at least in the online
> documentation). Instead, setting priority seems to require a few additional
> key strokes after capturing an item.
> Is there a straightforward way to pull off cuing for priority in a capture
> template? Mailing list/google searches didn't reveal much along these lines
> leaving me wondering if I've missed something obvious...
> Thanks for any and all suggestions (I've found org-mode to be a very helpful
> tool -- thanks to the authors/contributors for their efforts).
> - Alan
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Jeffrey Horn
Graduate Lecturer and PhD Student in Economics
George Mason University

(704) 271-4797

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