On Dec 3, 2010, at 11:47 AM, Urs Rau (UK) wrote:


I played some more with my files (which you should have a copy of) and found that because I have an initial "config" node starting with "**" in all of my org files, followed by the "main" node(s) all with a higher "*" level, the iPhone GUI only showed me the first "config" node and nothing else. No "Notes" , and no "subject 1" or "subject 2" lower parts. Is this a bug or a feature of MobileOrg on the iPhone?

Having the "config" node in a lower heading level first, I can have that one, not important, node showing collapsed at beginning of file but have the rest of the org file showing in OVERVIEW.

** my org file config
* Notes
** subject 1
** subject 2

Do I have to move the file specific "config" section to the same level as the rest of the main nodes?


- Carsten

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