Hi Bernd,

Bernd Weiss wrote:
> (1) If I execute the following code block (see "Before codeblock 
> execution") which is followed by a headline or another codeblock, the
> results-block (see "After codeblock execution") interferes with the
> headline/codeblock/whatever.

Same thing just reported by Eric (12 min before you), and experienced by me as

> (2) The results-block is complex insofar as it has multiple lines. If I 
> choose "export as LaTeX and process to PDF" (I corrected the wrong 
> #+end_example line manually), the resulting PDF file only shows the code
> but not the results. However, this behaviour is only related to my 
> meta-analysis example. If I use, for example, summary(lm(rnorm(100)~1)), 
> the resulting PDF file shows code + results.
> I am using Org-mode version 7.3 (release_7.01h.1081.gcfd7.dirty)

That sounds weird to me: version 7.3 and a 7.01 tag!?

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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