
The cost is nothing if you send it via email to your
address. This is different from whispernet (which uses 3g, correct?).
Perhaps you would need to turn off the 3g option?  I don't know because
I have the Kindle without 3g.

I haven't tried it with graphics at all, so I can't say. Perhaps someone
has experimented?


Graham Smith <> writes:

> Mark,
> On 28 November 2010 18:08, <> wrote:
>     One thing that works for me is this: export a file or subtree to
>     html,
>     then send to [  Then, when my Kindle is
>     connected to the internet, it will automatically download
>     Amazon's
>     conversion of my html file.  This happens pretty quickly, in my
>     experience, so it will almost certainly be faster than other
>     methods
>     described in this thread.
> I'm a little confused by this as it seems that if you are within
> Whispernet range the file is sent to your Kindle but will cost 99
> cents per file (its per Megabyte, but rounded up to nearest Mb, and
> 15 cents if you are in the US) , but I agree costs apart this would
> seem the easiest solution.  I'm not sure how this approach works with
> graphics.
> It's too expensive an approach for me.
> Graham
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