Erik Butz <> writes:

> Hi,
> people with more git experience should comment here, but it seems with:
> ~/elisp/org-mode $ git status
> you will get a list of currently untracked files in the local working
> directory. These are of course both files or directories deleted from
> the repository (as /lisp/babel) but also files that you included
> locally to extend your local installation.
> In my case the above yielded:
> # On branch master
> # Untracked files:
> #   (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
> #
> #       Makefile.old
> #       contrib/docbook2twiki.xsl
> #       contrib/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
> #       lisp/babel/
> #       lisp/org-R.el
> #       lisp/org-twiki.el
> nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
> so the lisp/babel directory shows up there. In principle there is "git
> clean", but looking at what it would do:
>> git clean -n
> Would remove Makefile.old
> Would remove contrib/docbook2twiki.xsl
> Would remove contrib/lisp/org-taskjuggler.el
> Would not remove lisp/babel/
> Would remove lisp/org-R.el
> Would remove lisp/org-twiki.el
> it explicitly states that it would NOT remove the lisp/babel
> directory.

Hi Eric,

See the -d option to git clean

| -d Remove untracked directories in addition to untracked files. If an
|            untracked directory is managed by a different git repository,
|            it is not removed by default. Use -f option twice if you
|            really want to remove such a directory.

I believe that this is a correct solution, seeing as git status is
showing you that the directory is not currently being tracked. As to how
it managed to persist on your file system despite it being deleted in
the org repo, not sure.


> But at least both these things can tell you what is maybe
> still there but not actually in the repository anymore (+your personal
> files).
> If anyone has a good way to keep the installation clean w/o having to
> make a new clone each time, any hints would be appreciated ;)
> Thanks,
> Erik
> On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 11:45 AM, Sebastian Hofer <> wrote:
>> For the record, I was having the exact same problem, just didn't have the 
>> time to post it. So it's not just you!
>> I just deleted the babel directory now everything is fine again. git didn't 
>> even notice it was gone.
>> Thanks for finding the culprit!
>> Sebastian
>> At Thu, 25 Nov 2010 22:04:22 +0100,
>> Erik Butz wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> thanks for the replies. It obviously was something stupid. I did not
>>> execute babel code for quite some time, and for some reason I still
>>> had a
>>> (setq load-path (cons "/home/erik/elisp/org-mode/lisp/babel" load-path))
>>> in my .emacs and apparently I did not clean up enough and so the
>>> ob.elc file in that directory then shadowed the one in the /lisp
>>> directory. I tried a clean 'git clone' and there it worked and indeed
>>> that directory is not even there. How would I remove that old
>>> /lisp/babel directory using git? Typically I just do a 'git pull' and
>>> then 'make clean' 'make' to update, but that obviously can lead to
>>> problems.
>>> Thanks again,
>>> Erik
>>> 2010/11/25 Sébastien Vauban <>:
>>> > Hi Erik,
>>> >
>>> > Erik Butz wrote:
>>> >> I am trying to run some org-babel code, but while this used to work in
>>> >> the past, I am now getting an error which says
>>> >>
>>> >> "Symbol's function definition is void: org-babel-get-header"
>>> >
>>> > The function is defined in my installation. Git version of yesterday.
>>> >
>>> >> Somehow I am puzzled, since this function is defined in lisp/ob.el and
>>> >> since this file provides 'ob and I have (require 'ob) in my .emacs I
>>> >> don't see why this should happen.
>>> >
>>> > Are you sure it really *is* loaded?  What happens if you C-x C-e after the
>>> > require line?
>>> >
>>> >> Is there any check I should perform to see where and why this is failing?
>>> >>
>>> >>  I am using GNU Emacs 23.1. with Org-mode version 7.3
>>> >> (release_7.3.130.g9cc1) even though I somehow suspect that it's not
>>> >> either of the software versions that is responsible for this.
>>> >>
>>> >> Any hints appreciated.
>>> >
>>> > Maybe you code post your block, or a stripped down version of it, if you 
>>> > want
>>> > me to try and use it?
>>> >
>>> > In any case, AFAIK, it /should/ not fail here with the above message...
>>> >
>>> > Best regards,
>>> >  Seb
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Sébastien Vauban
>>> >
>>> >
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