
thanks for the replies. It obviously was something stupid. I did not
execute babel code for quite some time, and for some reason I still
had a
(setq load-path (cons "/home/erik/elisp/org-mode/lisp/babel" load-path))

in my .emacs and apparently I did not clean up enough and so the
ob.elc file in that directory then shadowed the one in the /lisp
directory. I tried a clean 'git clone' and there it worked and indeed
that directory is not even there. How would I remove that old
/lisp/babel directory using git? Typically I just do a 'git pull' and
then 'make clean' 'make' to update, but that obviously can lead to

Thanks again,


2010/11/25 Sébastien Vauban <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com>:
> Hi Erik,
> Erik Butz wrote:
>> I am trying to run some org-babel code, but while this used to work in
>> the past, I am now getting an error which says
>> "Symbol's function definition is void: org-babel-get-header"
> The function is defined in my installation. Git version of yesterday.
>> Somehow I am puzzled, since this function is defined in lisp/ob.el and
>> since this file provides 'ob and I have (require 'ob) in my .emacs I
>> don't see why this should happen.
> Are you sure it really *is* loaded?  What happens if you C-x C-e after the
> require line?
>> Is there any check I should perform to see where and why this is failing?
>>  I am using GNU Emacs 23.1. with Org-mode version 7.3
>> (release_7.3.130.g9cc1) even though I somehow suspect that it's not
>> either of the software versions that is responsible for this.
>> Any hints appreciated.
> Maybe you code post your block, or a stripped down version of it, if you want
> me to try and use it?
> In any case, AFAIK, it /should/ not fail here with the above message...
> Best regards,
>  Seb
> --
> Sébastien Vauban
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