Hi Neil!

Neil Hepburn <nhepb...@ualberta.ca> writes:
> I ran into a similar problem when I moved from using MobileMe to
> Dropbox. What I did that seemed to fix the problem for me was to delete
> the folder "MobileOrg" from my Dropbox folder. Then I reset the stuff in
> Mobileorg on my iPhone, re-sync'ed the iPhone to create a new MobileOrg
> folder in your Dropbox folder and then it worked. It seems to work fine
> now.

OK, I can delete the Dropbox folder.  However, what do you mean with
"reset the stuff in MobileOrg on my iPhone"?

Do you delete the app and then install a fresh one? And then sync with org-mode?


Henri-Paul Indiogine
Email: hindiog...@gmail.com
Skype: hindiogine
Website: http://people.cehd.tamu.edu/~sindiogine

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