I am a keen user of org-mode, whose uses for which seem never to become well
defined: as soon as I think I understand it, it morphs, or the horizons of
my understanding recede from view.   No amount of praise can adequately pay
tribute to the massively ingenious organic entity that is org-mode.  This
has been the work conceived of a rare intellect with unusually broad and
creative vision, and well executed.  One such as myself, who dabbles
unafraid in the world of minds far better schooled and far more brilliant
than my own, finds the use for such tools as this an expedient, towards his
own purposes, as he tries almost hopelessly to fathom its mysteries--and
Carsten Dominick, seemingly a man of uncommon intellectual clarity and
humanity, the renaissance man, perhaps has from time to time led me both
willingly and patiently through it's brambles and tangles and lighted the
way.  How you have done this remains a humbling mystery.

For both the personal advice and assistance, and the broad vision that has
nurtured this system, I would offer my humble thanks.   I for one felt
relieved that you intend to stay involved.

And to Bastien, who has also on a number of occasions patiently offered his
insights, I also offer a "thank you," and a kind hope for your stewardship
of this project.

Would that I could offer some more substantial to org-mode that mostly a
spectator's praise and appreciation.   Perhaps in time.

Alan Davis
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