Tassilo Horn <tass...@member.fsf.org> writes:

> Ulf Stegemann <ulf-n...@zeitform.de> writes:
>> If you think --despite of those issues-- it's worth adding the
>> creation of gnus links while in message mode I could provide a patch.
> I'm curious how you are able to determine where a message will be filed
> after sending it off.  I mean, you neither have the Message-Id at that
> point (unless that's added to `message-generate-headers-first'), nor do
> you know the correct group, at least if there are more than one in the
> Gcc header.

There is a facility in Gnus called <info:(gnus)The Gnus Registry>
which I havn't investigated yet but it looks promising. From what I've
browsed the info it looks like it registers all the message ids and
remembers the folders. So it would be enough to remember the MID and
then make Gnus find it.

Miłego dnia,
Łukasz Stelmach

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