1 Summary 
  (ELPA): Add support for the following:

  1. Package README files
  2. Upload of Packages to the repository
  3. Building of Package Variants (stable, snapshot ect)

  This patch is backward-compatible and it wouldn't question the
  status-quo. It understands existing scheme of things.

  To exploit this patch, a patched-up package-x.el is highly
  recommended. Read on ...

2 Building Plain Vanilla Packages 

2.1 Notes 

   Builds plain vanialla packages. Doesn't upload packages. 

   There will be a WARNING message saying that the package was not
   uploaded. This can be noted and ignored.

2.2 Build Procedure 
   1. make PKG_TAG=7.3
      This builds org-7.3.tar
   2. make pkg
      This builds org-20101112.tar

3 Building Package Variants 

3.1 Notes 
    Modify/Uncomment PKG_SEP and PKG_FLAVOUR setting in Makefile as

    There is a choice of PKG_SEP. Pick what you like. Use of '-' is

    Assumption is:
    - stable releases are built with an explicit PKG_TAG
    - stable releases are non-flavored while the snapshot builds are

3.2 Build Procedure 
   1. make PKG_TAG=7.3
      This builds org-7.3.tar
   2. make pkg
      This builds o...@snaphsot-20101112.tar

4 Package Uploads 

4.1 Notes 
   - PKG_UPLOAD_DIR: directory where the package files are
     uploaded. i.e., it is the *local directory* behind the repo URL
     ([http://orgmode.org/pkg/daily/]). For eg, /var/www/pub/pkg/daily/.

     IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember to include the trailing '/' in the
     directory while setting this variable.

   - PKG_EL_DIR: This is added to the load-path during BATCH
     compilation. The intention is two fold:

     1. load package.el and package-x.el if the build machine is using
        Emacs-23 or less (which don't ship with package manager)

     2. Override package.el and package-x.el that ship with Emacs with
        a custom or a patched up version.

     IMPORTANT NOTE: The rule for 'pkg-upload' depends on my patch to
     Package Manager which is accepted but not committed yet because
     of the (postal?) delay in FSF copyright requirements.


4.2 Build Procedure 

   1. make PKG_EL_DIR="~/elisp" PKG_UPLOAD_DIR="~/packages/" PKG_TAG=7.3 pkg

      This builds org-7.3.tar and uploads the same to "~/packages"
      using package-x.el in "~/elisp/"

   2. make PKG_EL_DIR="~/elisp" PKG_UPLOAD_DIR="~/packages/" pkg

      This builds org-20101112.tar and uploads the same to
      "~/packages" using package-x.el in "~/elisp/"

Jambunathan K.


>From 06d227cc4d4e3ac86320690ebbe184bb804d9bf1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jambunathan K <kjambunat...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 16:32:51 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] (ELPA): Support for building Package Variants and Package Upload.

(PKG_TAG): Use PKG_TAG to control package flavour. If unspecified,
assume a snapshot build.

(PKG_SEP, PKG_FLAVOUR): New config variables for building various
flavours of ELPA tarball. For eg., org-7.3.tar,
o...@snapshot-20101112.tar, org-snapshot-20101112 etc.

(PKG_FILES): Removed
(PKG_BASE_FILES): Files here end up in the root dir.
(PKG_DOC_FILES): Files here end up in the doc dir.


(PKG_EL_DIR): Load path for package.el and package-x.el. Useful if the
build machine runs an 'old' Emacs or if the build process requires a
patched up versions of these files.

(PKG_UPLOAD_DIR): 'pub' dir of the webserver serving the ELPA tarball.

(pkg-upload, pkg-readme): New targets subsumed within pkg target.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 0b15abe..5c13d8b
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -165,18 +165,44 @@ TEXIFILES   = doc/org.texi
 INFOFILES   = doc/org
 # Package Manager (ELPA)
+# PKG_TAG = 
+ifndef PKG_TAG
+# PKG_SEP = @
+# PKG_SEP = -
+# PKG_SEP = .
+# PKG_FLAVOUR = snapshot
 PKG_TAG = $(shell date +%Y%m%d)
+PKG_BNAME = org
 PKG_DOC = "Outline-based notes management and organizer"
 PKG_REQ = "nil"
-            doc/dir doc/org		\
-            doc/pdflayout.sty		\
-            doc/org.pdf			\
-            doc/orgguide.pdf		\
-            doc/orgcard.tex		\
-            doc/orgcard.pdf		\
-            doc/orgcard_letter.pdf
+PKG_BASE_FILES = $(LISPFILES0)          \
+                 doc/dir doc/org        
+PKG_DOC_FILES =                         \
+                doc/org.pdf             \
+                doc/org.html            \
+                doc/orgguide.pdf        \
+                doc/orgcard.txt         \
+                doc/orgcard.pdf         \
+                doc/orgcard_letter.pdf
+# PKG_EL_DIR = 
+ifdef PKG_EL_DIR
+BATCH_EXTRA = -eval "(setq load-path (cons (expand-file-name \"$(PKG_EL_DIR)\") load-path))"
 .SUFFIXES: .el .elc .texi
 SHELL = /bin/sh
@@ -372,16 +398,46 @@ distfile:
 	zip -r org-$(TAG).zip org-$(TAG)
 	gtar zcvf org-$(TAG).tar.gz org-$(TAG)
 	@if [ "X$(PKG_TAG)" = "X" ]; then echo "*** No tag ***"; exit 1; fi
+	echo "Building $(PKG_FNAME).tar ..."
 	touch doc/org.texi doc/orgcard.tex # force update
 	${MAKE} info
 	${MAKE} doc
-	rm -rf org-$(PKG_TAG) org-$(PKG_TAG).tar
-	$(MKDIR) org-$(PKG_TAG)
-	cp -r $(PKG_FILES) org-$(PKG_TAG)
-	echo "(define-package \"org\" \"$(PKG_TAG)\" \"$(PKG_DOC)\" $(PKG_REQ))" > org-$(PKG_TAG)/org-pkg.el
-	tar cf org-$(PKG_TAG).tar org-$(PKG_TAG) --remove-files
+	rm -rf $(PKG_FNAME) $(PKG_FNAME).tar
+	$(MKDIR) $(PKG_FNAME)/doc
+	cp -r $(PKG_DOC_FILES) $(PKG_FNAME)/doc
+	${MAKE} pkg-readme
+	echo "(define-package \"$(PKG_QNAME)\" \"$(PKG_TAG)\" \"$(PKG_DOC)\" $(PKG_REQ))" > $(PKG_FNAME)/$(PKG_QNAME)-pkg.el
+	tar cf $(PKG_FNAME).tar $(PKG_FNAME) --remove-files
+	${MAKE} pkg-upload
+	$(BATCH)						\
+	--eval "(require 'org-exp)"				\
+	--eval "(require 'org-ascii)"				\
+	--visit=$(PKG_FNAME)/README.org				\
+	--eval "(org-export-as-ascii 3 t)"
+	@if [ "X$(PKG_UPLOAD_DIR)" = "X" ];					\
+	then echo "*** WARNING: Skipping Upload of $(PKG_FNAME).tar  ***";	\
+	else									\
+	echo "Uploading $(PKG_FNAME).tar to $(PKG_UPLOAD_DIR) ...";		\
+	$(MKDIR) $(PKG_UPLOAD_DIR);						\
+	$(BATCH) $(BATCH_EXTRA)							\
+	  --eval '(ignore)'							\
+	  --eval "(require 'package-x)"						\
+	  --eval '(setq package-archive-upload-base "$(PKG_UPLOAD_DIR)")'	\
+	  --eval '(setq package-update-news-on-upload nil)'			\
+	  --eval '(package-upload-file "$(PKG_FNAME).tar")';			\
+	fi
 	@if [ "X$(TAG)" = "X" ]; then echo "*** No tag ***"; exit 1; fi

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