Does beamer and impressive support scrolling? I assume not as beamer is
LaTeX based which also uses fixed paper size. The paradigm of fixed size
slides is imho a remnant from a time when slides were "hardware" and placed
on a overhead projector. I see no reason why shouldn't be able to scroll a
long slide during a presentation if you can't fit it all on a single screen


On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 15:17, John Hendy <> wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 6:48 AM, Dov Grobgeld <>wrote:
>> In looking for the perfect slide show generation from org-mode I have so
>> far checked the following and found that they have serious problems:
>>    - epresenter - Keyboard gets stuck, little control over display.
>>    - org-s5 - No support for pages overflowing, e.g. when showing a long
>>    slides I would like to scroll
>> What about beamer? To date I haven't found anything I like as much! It
> just seems to do about everything... even if that means hunting down the
> occasional obscure code to force it to do my will!
> You can combine it with impressive! and do some fantastic things during
> presentations:
> John
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