
> Hi Jambunathan,
> I thought I'd sent this out before but I can't find my message in my Sent
> folder, so resending  The attached org file results in an error in content.xml
> when using org-odt.el -- the final item in a simple list is missing the 
> closing
> tag for  <text:list-item>.  I'm assuming there's a place in the code where the
> count goes to zero too quickly, but i'm not fluent in lisp and I didn't see 
> the
> spot right away. 

I am unable to reproduce the said behaviour. 

>From my work-area (which is same as that in git), the odt produced is
valid. I am attaching the odts produced in my work area. Let me know if
what is attached is not what you expect.

Are you running the latest in git? Just to be sure delete all the .odts
in your work area before exporting. May be there is a difference in your
setup and mine that is causing this bug.

> Thanks for this as for everything else!  I am very impressed with the quality
> of the output so far -- though it's not feature -complete, it's much more
> reliable and above all much cleaner than the latex conversion I was using
> before.

Thanks for trying out. It is my pleasure.

Jambunathan K.

Attachment: desc_test_short1.odt
Description: file1.odt

Attachment: desc_test_short_2.odt
Description: file2.odt

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