Jean-Marie Gaillourdet <> writes:

> Although I am german, I use an american keyboard layout for coding and
> everything else. But there is a nice emacs solution to enter umlauts:
> =C-x RET C-\ german-postfix RET= This enables an input method which
> allows you to enter all german umlauts: ä ü ö Ä Ü Ö and ß. 
> Entering an `a' followed immediately by an `e' generates an ä, followed
> by another `e' it becomes `ae`, similar for ü and ö . `s` followed by
> `z` generates an `ß`. Larger variants are typed by typing two large
> letters.


same situation here (german with an american keyboard layout).
I just use `C-\' and toggle my way in and out of german-postfix.

Just one thing to be aware of: 

If you use german-postfix, using the `u' speedkey command on stars will
not work in orgmode files; I use this frequently, so being able to
quickly toggle is essential.


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