Sébastien Vauban <wxhgmqzgw...@spammotel.com> writes:

> There must be something stupid in my config, but even a simple one like the
> following does not work for me:
> #+begin_src calc
> 1
> 2
> '+
> #+end_src
> Error is:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> executing Calc code block...
> calc-push-list: Symbol's value as variable is void: calc-command-flags
> #+end_src
> Though, I confirm you that I have loaded both =calc= and =ob-calc=... Any 
> idea?

That variable is defined in my version of calc.el (distributed with the
latest version of Emacs from git).  Is that variable not defined in your
calc.el file?  Maybe the solution is to upgrade your calc.

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