
I'm running into a problem with todo keywords.

Plain TODO works fine:
  * To do list
  ** TODO Do this thing

STARTED works as expected, as does DONE.

WAITING, DELEGATED, SOMEDAY, SKIPPED, and CANCELLED are the problematic ones. They all behave the same way. I'll use WAITING as an example.

It works fine when I switch to WAITING (it prompts for a note/comment):

  * To do list
  ** WAITING  Do this thing
     - State "WAITING "   from "TODO"       [2010-11-03 Wed 10:45] \\
       ...waiting... waiting...

The problem is when I switch to another status from WAITING (or DELEGATED, etc.):

  * To do list
  ** DONE WAITING  Do this thing
     - State "DONE"       from ""           [2010-11-03 Wed 10:46]
     - State "WAITING "   from "TODO"       [2010-11-03 Wed 10:45] \\
       ...waiting... waiting...

It is as though WAITING isn't recognized as a todo keyword. DONE is prepended to the item, but WAITING still appears. The state says "Done" from "".

Here is how my todo keywords are set up:

Org Todo Keywords:
INS DEL Cons-cell:
            Interpretation: Value Menu Sequence (cycling hits every state)
            INS DEL Keyword: TODO(t)
            INS DEL Keyword: STARTED(a!)
            INS DEL Keyword: WAITING (w@)
            INS DEL Keyword: DELEGATED (D!)
            INS DEL Keyword: SOMEDAY (s)
            INS DEL Keyword: |
            INS DEL Keyword: SKIPPED (k@)
            INS DEL Keyword: CANCELLED (c@)
            INS DEL Keyword: DONE(d!)

I don't see any other variables/settings that look relevant.

Org version is 7.01h.

In the copy/pastes in this mail, you don't see the faces. I have noticed that:
- TODO and STARTED (which work fine) are highlighted red and bold
- DONE is highlighted blue (and works as expected -- if I switch back to STARTED from DONE, DONE is replaced with STARTED and the state is: State "STARTED" from "DONE" - WAITING, DELEGATED, SOMEDAY, SKIPPED, and CANCELLED do not work as expected, and are shown in the normal text face.

Faces customizations I have made:
Org Todo Keyword Faces = Standard
Org TODO = highlighted red, bold
Org Done = highlighted blue
Org Special Keyword = blue text, italic

Not sure if faces setting could be causing the problem somehow, or if the faces aren't being applied because for some reason these aren't being recognized as keywords at all.

Any ideas on what is going on here and how to fix it?

Thank you,

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