Thank you very much ! It works now ! I thing I mixed-up the meaning of the
org-insert/org-store functions


On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 11:31 PM, Eric S Fraga <> wrote:

> Ronan BARZIC <> writes:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've difficulties to understand how to make links to WL messages from an
> Org
> > file. According to the documentation, the syntax should be :
> >
> > [[wl:folder#id][Description]]
> >
> > - It is not clear for me if "id" is the number in front of the message in
> the
> > "WL "Summary" view ? Can someone confirm that ? (I have also a field
> > "Message-ID" in each message header)
> The easiest way to find out what should be there is to:
> 1. go to the WL message, in the Summary window say.
> 2. type C-cl (org-store-link)
> 3. go to your org document where you want to link from
> 4. type C-cC-l (org-insert-link) and hit RET to accept the default which
>   should be the link you /stored/ above.
> >  I have the feeling that the dot at the beginning of the folder name
> > confuses the org-mode when I try to follow the link. For example,
> > following the link  [[wl:.INBOX#29333][TEST]]
> I didn't find that the . caused any problems (the majority of my
> mailboxes are in maildir format).  However, I must say that following
> links to WL messages is not the most robust system.  The problems are
> not in org but in WL, as far as I can tell.
> A couple of suggestions: make sure you have started WL *before*
> attempting to follow a link from org in any case and make sure you don't
> store a link from WL from within a filtered view.
> Due to the problems with linking to WL message, and a few other issues,
> I have recently moved back to GNUS which is basically more robust in all
> ways (although has a much steeper learning curve... but that's a story
> for another mailing list ;-).
> > Maybe I've misunderstood the documentation and I search the web without
> > success. I will really appreciate if someone could give me a example of a
> > working link using WL in a Maildir configuration
> One example I have looks like this
> (with some bits replaced by XXX to protect the innocent)
> --
> Eric S Fraga, GnuPG: 8F5C 279D 3907 E14A 5C29  570D C891 93D8 FFFC F67D
> using Org-mode version 7.02trans (release_7.3.6.gf0d2)
> in Emacs version 23.2.1
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