Hi everyone,

It's the first time I'm giving any feedback on org-mode, so first of all I 
would like to congratulate the original creator and all contributors on a very 
interesting and useful work.

I've discovered org-mode only a couple of weeks ago and was intrigued enough to 
restart using emacs, after several years away from it! I've been studying Org's 
documentation and tutorials, and started using it to help me manage my 
relocation from Brazil to Italy.

What I am reporting, technically, is a feature: the fact that variable 
'org-ctrl-k-protect-subtree' defaults to nil. But considering how easy this 
makes to lose a whole subtree of data, especially for a newcomer to org-mode, I 
think it should be considered a serious bug. As a matter of fact, I am very 
surprised that C-k would be considered an admissible alternative to C-c C-x 
C-w/M-w, as a way to kill a subtree!

I propose that 'org-ctr-k-protect-subtree' is made to default to 't' ASAP 
(already costumized it in that way on my setup), and that the behavior of C-k 
on headings is made consistent: kill to the end of line, regardless of the 
visibility of the subtree.

   Best regards,

      Paulo Tavares.
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